Spectrum of Engineering Sciences https://thecjlr.online/index.php/1 <p>**Journal Summary: Spectrum of Engineering Sciences**</p> <p>The Spectrum of Engineering Sciences is a peer-reviewed, Computer Science journal dedicated to advancing the frontiers of engineering knowledge and innovation. With a broad scope covering various branches of engineering, the journal serves as a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to share their original research findings, critical reviews, and technical notes.is a scholarly publication dedicated to fostering the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of high-quality research in the fields of management and social science. To bear the cost of Publishing Research manuscripts, website running, long time archiving, reviewing, copyediting etc, administration has decided to charge <strong>PKR</strong> <strong>30000 </strong>as publication fee. For more details regarding depositing fee etc, the contact is given in the Contact pages on the Spectrum of Engineering Sciences website.</p> <p>**Key Features:**</p> <p>1. **Multidisciplinary Coverage:** The journal encompasses a wide spectrum of engineering disciplines, including Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Aerospace, Materials Science, Computer, Environmental, Biomedical, and Industrial Engineering. It also welcomes interdisciplinary studies at the intersection of engineering and other fields.</p> <p>2. **High-Quality Research:** Spectrum of Engineering Sciences maintains rigorous standards of quality and integrity in the publication process. All submissions undergo thorough peer review by experts in the respective fields to ensure scientific excellence and relevance.</p> <p>3. **Global Perspective:** With contributors and readers from around the world, the journal offers a global perspective on engineering research and practice. It facilitates collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers and professionals across different regions and cultures.</p> <p>4. **Innovation and Impact:** The journal emphasizes innovation and impact in engineering research. It welcomes contributions that explore novel methodologies, innovative solutions to real-world problems, and theoretical advancements with practical implications.</p> <p>5. **Interdisciplinary Collaboration:** Spectrum of Engineering Sciences promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas across different engineering disciplines. By fostering collaboration between researchers from diverse backgrounds, the journal aims to address complex challenges and drive innovation in engineering.</p> <p>6. **Accessible Publication:** The journal encourages authors to present their work in a clear, concise, and accessible manner, making research findings easily understandable to a broad audience. This accessibility facilitates knowledge dissemination and promotes wider engagement with engineering research.</p> <p>Spectrum of Engineering Sciences is a valuable resource for researchers, students, professionals, and anyone interested in the latest developments and breakthroughs in engineering. By providing a platform for intellectual exchange and collaboration, the journal contributes to the advancement of engineering sciences and the development of solutions to global challenges.</p> SOCIOLOGY EDUCATIONAL NEXUS RESEARCH INSTITUTE en-US Spectrum of Engineering Sciences 3007-312X Ethics in E-Learning Refers to the Principles and Standards that Govern Moral Behavior and Decision-Making in the Context of Online Education https://thecjlr.online/index.php/1/article/view/7 <p>Policies governing online learning need to strike a balance between the various expectations of participants and take into account how users interpret ethical behavior in the context of online learning. Students who are enrolled in online classes are expected to behave in a manner that is respectful, tolerant, and kind toward one another, just as they would in a conventional classroom situation. They are obligated to comply with the set standards. Beginning with a thorough assessment of the relevant literature, the purpose of this research is to investigate the perspectives of both teachers and students about ethical behavior and interaction in distance education programs that target students in their third to fourth year of attendance. The study methodology that was utilized was a case-based approach. The survey will concentrate on three important aspects: the diversity of learners, the conduct of online users, and the statutes that govern the online world. In the following step, the analysis of the results is followed by an explanation and discussion of the perspectives held by both the teachers and the students. Remote education, ethics, e-learning, and ethics in e-learning are some of the &nbsp;distance education.</p> <p><strong>Keywords-</strong> Ethics in E-Learning, Principles and Standards, Govern Moral Behavior and Decision-Making, Online Education</p> Amir Ali Khan Muhammad Saeed Khattak Copyright (c) 2023 Spectrum of Engineering Sciences 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 1 13 Examining the Importance of Visualization and Engagement in Computer Science Education https://thecjlr.online/index.php/1/article/view/8 <p>The application of visualization technology allows for the visual representation of a wide variety of computer science concepts. No matter how effectively it is constructed, we argue that such technology has very little educational value unless it actively engages students in learning. This is experimental investigations that investigated the efficacy of visualization lends support to this stance. Regarding the utilization of visualization, it is located within the framework of the prevalent attitudes and best practices that are now in place. The authors offer a new taxonomy for the classification of learner engagement with visualization technologies. We provide metrics for evaluating the educational successes that may result from such active participation, and we do so by building upon Bloom's taxonomy of comprehension, which is widely recognized. Using these taxonomies of effectiveness and engagement measures as a foundation, we present a framework for conducting experimental investigations into the effectiveness of visualization. Educators in the field of computer science who are interested in working together with us to do research within this framework are cordially invited to do so.</p> <p>Keywords- Visualization and Engagement in Computer Science, Education</p> Asim Usman Muhammad Babar Copyright (c) 2023 Spectrum of Engineering Sciences 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 14 26 Smart Classroom: Improving Collaborative Learning through Pervasive Computing Technology https://thecjlr.online/index.php/1/article/view/9 <p>Smart Classroom enables the facilitation of collaborative learning among college students. In this setting, students create small groups to engage in collaborative work on group tasks or to find solutions to specific challenges. Each student in an intelligent classroom is equipped with a situation-aware PDA. During group conversations, student PDAs autonomously form mobile ad hoc networks. Each PDA monitors environmental data, including light, noise, motion, and the location of other PDAs. Afterwards, this data is used to regulate contact between the teacher and students, enabling group discussions and assuring the automatic distribution of presentation materials. Middleware enables spontaneous group communication and context awareness, which are vital elements for pervasive computing. It accomplishes this by offering assistance and resources during the execution and creation of application software. We have created Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware (RCSMS) for the following purposes. This paper will not only outline the qualities of a Smart Classroom and how RCSM can be used to create one, but also demonstrate how it may greatly improve collaborative learning. A course on senior group software engineering projects will make use of the digital classroom. College students can engage in collaborative learning through the utilization of Smart Classroom technology. In such a context, students form small groups to collaborate on group assignments or devise answers to specific challenges. Each student in a smart classroom possesses a situation-aware Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). During group conversations, student Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) spontaneously form mobile ad hoc networks. Each PDA maintains a record of its surroundings, which includes the locations of other PDAs, light levels, noise levels, and movement. Subsequently, the system utilizes this data to initiate interaction between the instructor and the learners, thereby facilitating collaborative conversations and the automated dissemination of presentation materials. Middleware enables effective management of context awareness and impromptu group communication required for pervasive computing by providing runtime and development support to application software. Due to these factors, we have developed Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware, abbreviated as RCSMS. This paper will describe the characteristics of a Smart Classroom and the application of RCSM to establish one. It will also explore how the implementation of RCSM can greatly enhance collaborative learning. For instance, a course in senior group software engineering will make use of the smart classroom.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Smart Classroom, collaborative learning, pervasive computing, situation-awareness, and Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware (RCSM).</p> Tahir Iqbal Muhammad Ahmed Copyright (c) 2023 Spectrum of Engineering Sciences 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 27 34 Improving the Understanding of Communication During Negotiations by Using Familiar tasks and Subtitled videos in an Online Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL) Environment https://thecjlr.online/index.php/1/article/view/10 <p>It is via the utilization of subtitled films that this study investigates the influence that task familiarity has on the process of meaning negotiation. is a virtual environment that is designed to facilitate language acquisition through the use of activities that are task-based. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the extent to which individuals who are not native speakers (NNSs) engage in the process of negotiating meaning in order to improve their understanding of information and to boost their ability to learn a second language. Acquiring a new language to learn. Through the utilization of a chat feature in WebCT-Vista and an online task-based language learning (TBLL) environment that was developed expressly for this project, ten pairs of individuals who were not native speakers worked together to accomplish four communication tasks. A total of five pairs of students were shown movies with subtitles before they completed the tasks, whereas the remaining five pairs of students completed the tasks without watching the videos on their own. By utilizing Smith's (2003) modification of Gass and Varonis's (1985) model for negotiating meaning sequences in online communication, we were able to determine the degree of meaning negotiation that had taken place. As a result of the examination of the conversation transcripts, it was discovered that non-native speakers (NNSs) who had a better comprehension of the tasks engaged in longer conversations in order to explain the meaning, in contrast to those who did not have this level of comprehension.</p> <p><strong>Keywords-</strong>Understanding of Communication , Negotiations, Familiar tasks and Subtitled videos , Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL) Environment</p> Shoaib Khan Abbas Afridi Copyright (c) 2023 Spectrum of Engineering Sciences 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 35 47 Possible Directions for Computer Science Curriculum Development in the Future https://thecjlr.online/index.php/1/article/view/11 <p>In recent years, there has been increasing scrutiny and criticism over the traditional balance between research and education, as well as the public's funding for universities. Currently, numerous industrial and scientific sectors anticipate a continuous scarcity of highly skilled computer scientists and engineers. This is because contemporary society is progressively relying more on digital technologies. Compared to many other academic disciplines, the gap between the fundamental principles of computing and the cutting-edge advancements in research and practical applications is rather small in the field of computing. As a result, the curriculum for computer science and engineering (CS&amp;E) must continuously adapt to include new and important advancements. Moreover, swift advancements in technology impact the delivery of education. Advancements in networking and graphics have enabled the creation and distribution of instructional resources that offer significant advantages to a wide audience.</p> <p><strong>Keywords-</strong> Possible Directions, Computer Science, Curriculum Development</p> Shoaib Khan Abbas Afridi Copyright (c) 2023 Spectrum of Engineering Sciences 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 2 48 61